Ashton Raze |
Not too long ago, I talked with
Ashton Raze about character design, writing, applications in Game Development, and other highly unrelated topics. She was willing to answer some questions I had for her, and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to her. It's amazing what random conversations on Twitter can turn into! Our conversation started on Twitter before moving to a more formal
interview. Those 140 character limits tend to really cramp what one can
say. Our initial conversation was how easy it is to add a token character to the plot for little reason than to check off a box
on the diversity checklist. I got to thinking about solutions to this problem when I started talking to Raze.
Admittedly, I had a bit of an agenda to push when I first reached out to Raze. I set out to rant about game characters and how developers don't spend enough time fleshing the character beyond a few simple traits/tropes. While talking with Raze, the conversation quickly changed and went an entirely different direction. The conversation changed to writing and character development, and as such, I've had to rethink how I would write this article.